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« on: 16 February , 2012, 18:12:25 PM »
metto il link ad un interessante blog che ha per oggetto excel, VBA per excel, e risoluzione di problemi strutturali con il metodo FEM utilizzando excel.

Sono riportati i codici per funzioni particolari e molto altro. Segnalo per esempio:

- LatPilePY 1.02: ..... This spreadsheet provides User Defined Functions (UDFs) to carry out the analysis of vertical piles under lateral loading,....
- Continuous Beams with Shear Deflections: ....
- quando 35 non è uguale a 35 e quando 35 meno 35 non e' zero....
- Spreadsheet Solutions For Structural Engineering
- Buckling of Tubes (ovviamente in excel)
- Frame4.xls – Update2
- A catenary function: Following on from the previous post, here is an Excel User Defined Function (UDF) to calculate the coordinates of any specified catenary, with the option of also finding the tension force at any point.

e taaaaaantissimooooooooooo altro ancora....

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Offline afazio

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Re: Interessante
« Reply #1 on: 16 February , 2012, 18:24:23 PM »
Using Beam Design Functions
Posted on September 7, 2011 by dougaj4
“Beam Design Functions” is an Excel spreadsheet providing a User Defined Function (UDF) that will calculate the stresses, strains, forces and moments in a reinforced or prestressed concrete section subject to any specified bending moment and axial load, using an elastic analysis.  The only restriction is that the section must be symmetrical about the vertical axis (i.e. the axis perpendicular to the axis of bending). The spreadsheet may be downloaded from: Beam Design
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Offline afazio

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Re: Interessante
« Reply #2 on: 16 February , 2012, 18:31:04 PM »
Per disegnare coi grafici di excel in viste assonometriche 3d e con possibilita di variare i parametri della vista.
(questo ricollegandomi ad un problema risolto da zax relativo alla possibilità di poter visualizzare un dominio 3d)

PView Function
Posted on March 31, 2011 by dougaj4
As promised in the previous post, here are further details of the PView User Defined Function (UDF), included in the IP2 spreadsheet, which can be downloaded (including full open source code) from IP2.ZIP.

The PView UDF works by multiplying the 3D coordinates of any set of points by a rotation matrix.  The resulting array of 2D coordinates can be plotted in an XY (scatter) chart in the usual way.  The function input and output is described in the screen shot below, together with a plot of an example; a simple box structure with a doorway, and a spiral line plotted on one wall.
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Re: Interessante
« Reply #3 on: 16 February , 2012, 18:31:48 PM »
grazie, infinito.....non raggiungi mai il fondo

Offline afazio

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Re: Interessante
« Reply #4 on: 16 February , 2012, 18:42:52 PM »
Verifiche agli stati limite ultimi di una sezione rettangolare condotte secondo duecentoottanta normative diverse

ULS design of reinforced concrete, AS, ACI and European codes
Posted on December 21, 2010 by dougaj4
The previous post in this series compared the results of current and previous Australian Standards, and the ACI 318 code, for the ultimate bending capacity of a rectangular reinforced concrete section, subject to combined bending and axial load.  I have now extended this analysis to include three European codes: the current Eurocode 2, and the recently superseded British Standard codes: BS 5400 (bridges) and BS 8110 (buildings).

The spreadsheet used in this analysis contains user defined functions (UDFs) that will carry out the section analysis for any rectangular section with 1 or 2 layers of reinforcement, for the following codes:

1.AS3600-2010, rectangular stress block (default)
2.AS5100, rectangular stress block
3.Eurocode 2, parabolic stress block
4.BS 5400, rectangular stress block
5.BS 8110, rectangular stress block
6.Not yet implemented
7.ACI 318, rectangular stress block
8.AS3600-2001, rectangular stress block
9.AS3600-Parabolic1; parabolic parameters to EC 2
10.AS3600-Parabolic2; parabolic stress block converted to equivalent rectangular block
The spreadsheet (including full open source code) may be downloaded from
« Ogni qualvolta una teoria ti sembra essere l’unica possibile, prendilo come un segno che non hai capito né la teoria né il problema che si intendeva risolvere. »


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