Autore:Jacques Heyman (Emeritus Professor of Engineering, University of Cambridge)
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Data di Pubblicazione: July 1997
ISBN: 0521629632
ISBN-13: 9780521629638
Pagine: 172
Reparto: History - General
What is the timescale for the settlement and cracking of an old stone building? How do the elegant flying buttresses of a Gothic cathedral safely transfer thrust to the foundations? And what is the effect of wind on a stone spire, or bell-ringing on a church tower? These and many other questions pertinent to the upkeep of old stone structures are answered in this clear and authoritative guide. With a firm scientific basis, but without the use of complex mathematics, the author provides a thorough and intuitive understanding of masonry structures. The basis of masonry analysis is introduced in the first two chapters, after which individual structures - including piers, pinnacles, towers, vaults and domes - are considered in more detail. This lucid and informative text will be of particular interest to structural engineers, practising architects and others involved in the renovation and care of old stone buildings. Una ricca anteprima:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Stone-Skeleton-Engineering-Architecture/dp/0521629632#reader_0521629632Qualche autorevole recensione:
- '... this book is a delight for the student of architecture, engineering, history, and art. Visually, this slim volume ... is elegant ... will appeal to a wide readership, both technical and artistic ... The book is clearly written, meticulously illustrated, and beautifully bound. The author's fascination and love of this subject is infectious.' M. A. Erki, Applied Mechanics Review
- Winner of the Choice Outstanding Academic Books 1996. '... one of the most fascinating books on structural engineering that this reviewer has read in recent years.' S. C. Anand, Choice
- '... many clear illustrations complement the scholarly text ... unites and updates much that has been published elsewhere. Excellent for structural engineers, whether students or practitioners.' New Scientist
Recensione dello scrivente:
Un libro notevole nel contenuto, sebbene contenuto nelle dimensioni.
L'autore nel libro illustra le basi della sua teoria di analisi delle strutture in muratura, con particolare riguardo alle strutture monumentali dell'architettura gotica.
Molti software dedicati all'analisi di particolari strutture in muratura, tra cui SAV (Stabilità di Archi e Volte) della Aedes, si basano proprio sulla teria di Heyman.
In un periodo in cui vi è una tendenza imperante a complicare inutilmente anche le cose più semplici, Heyman illustra magistralmente il suo approccio fondato sui teoremi della plasticità.
Da quando l'ho letto per la prima volta, ho iniziato a guardare le strutture in muratura con un occhio diverso.